Patool ======= Introduction ------------- [![XKCD Tar comic](]( I could never remember the correct options for all those different compression programs. Tar, unzip, gzip - you name it and I forgot it. Patool remembers all those options for me now so I don't have to. Description ------------ Various archive types can be created, extracted, tested, listed, compared, searched and repacked with patool. The advantage of patool is its simplicity in handling archive files without having to remember a myriad of programs and options. The archive format is determined by the file(1) program and as a fallback by the archive file extension. patool supports 7z (.7z, .cb7), ACE (.ace, .cba), ADF (.adf), ALZIP (.alz), APE (.ape), AR (.a), ARC (.arc), ARJ (.arj), BZIP2 (.bz2), BZIP3 (.bz3), CAB (.cab), CHM (.chm), COMPRESS (.Z), CPIO (.cpio), DEB (.deb), DMS (.dms), FLAC (.flac), GZIP (.gz), ISO (.iso), LRZIP (.lrz), LZH (.lha, .lzh), LZIP (.lz), LZMA (.lzma), LZOP (.lzo), RPM (.rpm), RAR (.rar, .cbr), RZIP (.rz), SHN (.shn), TAR (.tar, .cbt), XZ (.xz), ZIP (.zip, .jar, .cbz), ZOO (.zoo) and ZSTANDARD (.zst) archive formats. It relies on helper applications to handle those archive formats (for example `xz` for XZ (.xz) archives). The archive formats TAR, ZIP, BZIP2 and GZIP are supported natively and do not require helper applications to be installed. Installation ------------- The easy way with pip: ```bash sudo pip install patool ``` And on Windows: ```bash c:\python3\scripts\pip install patool ``` Or after downloading the patool .whl file: ```bash c:\python3\scripts\pip install patool-1.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl ``` You will need at least Python 3.10. If you install from source read the [installation instructions]( Running -------- After installation there should be a ```/usr/bin/patool``` binary under Unix systems, under Windows should exist a file ```c:\python3\scripts\patool```. Use ```patool``` to run for Linux or OSX systems, on Windows use ```c:\python3\python3.exe c:\python3\scripts\patool```. See the following chapter for usage examples. Examples --------- ```bash # extract two archives patool extract otherarchive.rar # test if archive is intact patool test --verbose dist.tar.gz # list files inside an archive patool list package.deb # create a new archive patool create --verbose file1.txt dir/ # list differences between two archive contents patool diff release1.0.tar.gz # search archive contents patool search "def urlopen" python-3.3.tar.gz # compress the archive in a different format patool repack linux-2.6.33.tar.gz linux-2.6.33.tar.bz2 ``` Donate ------- If you like patool, consider a donation to support it. Thanks!
API ---- If you install patool, there is also a Python module patoolib. You can use functions in patoolib from other Python applications to handle archives. Log output will be on sys.stdout and sys.stderr. On errors, `PatoolError` will be raised. Note that extra options or customization for specific archive programs are not supported. The following functions are currently supported as an API: ```{eval-rst} .. autofunction:: patoolib.list_formats .. autofunction:: patoolib.list_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.extract_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.test_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.create_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.diff_archives .. autofunction:: patoolib.search_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.repack_archive .. autofunction:: patoolib.is_archive ```